• Restaurant Kent Bromley Roast Hare Loin Wrapped in Pancetta

    Restaurant Kent Roast hare loin wrapped in pancetta

    Roast hare loin wrapped in pancetta Recipe by Chapter One.

    Restaurant Bromley Roast hare loin wrapped in pancetta

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    Jugged Hare with a warm Potato espuma
    Serves 4

    1 Fresh Hare with blood 2 carrots Diced
    100g Pancetta diced
    18 baby silver skin onions Peeled
    1 ltr brown chicken stock
    2 tbsp tomato puree
    A splash of olive oil

    1 bottle red wine
    1 carrot roughly cut
    1 onion roughly cut
    1 stick celery roughly cut
    ½ a leek roughly cut
    5 sprigs fresh thyme
    1 bulb of garlic (cut in half)
    4 juniper berries
    2 strips orange zest
    2 strips lemon zest
    10 peppercorns
    Add all the ingredients above into a large bowl

    Roast hare loin wrapped in pancettaThe day before cooking your hare place onto a chopping board saving all the blood in a bowl. Remove the legs and shoulders with a knife. Then remove the hare loins and put aside for another dish. Place the legs, shoulders and carcase into the marinade making sure all the hare is submerged. Leave covered with cling film in a fridge for 24 hrs.

    Drain off the hare in a colander, keeping the marinade to one side and season the hare with salt and pepper. Now, take a large heavy bottomed pan and pre-heat on a stove. Add a little olive oil and then carefully add the hare, lightly colour then add the rest of the vegetables from the marinade and colour further. Reducing the heat slightly to not burn. Then add the tomato puree and stir through the mix and finally add the juices from the marinade and the chicken stock. Bring to the boil and cover with baking parchment.

    Next, place in a pre-heated oven at 120 degrees for approximately 3-4hrs (the time will alter depending on how young or old the hare was). When ready, the meat will fall away from the bones easily.

    When the hare is ready remove from the oven and carefully strain the liquor through a conical sieve (it will be very hot, so be extremely careful) keeping all the meat and bones etc in a bowl and the cooking juices in a pan, which you will need to place back on the stove and reduce.

    Whilst your cooking juice is reducing, you need to pick through the hare meat removing all the bones and vegetables, keeping just the braised hare meat (this will take a little time but is worth doing thoroughly, and I recommend using a pair of latex gloves). Once this is done, throw away the bones, keeping just the meat and cooking juice, which is reducing on your stove. When the liquor is reduced remove from the heat and whisk in the hare blood and then pass through the conical sieve. The blood will give the sauce an amazingly rich velvety finish.

    To Finish
    Roast hare loin wrapped in pancettaTake a heavy bottomed pan and pre-heat on the stove add a splash of olive oil. Add the diced Pancetta and colour lightly, then reduce the heat and add the diced carrots and silver skin onions cook further until the carrots and onions are soft. Then add the hare sauce that you finished earlier and finally add the hare meat, carefully heat it all up stirring occasionally. Check the seasoning and add a little chopped parsley.

    Roast hare loin wrapped in pancetta with carrot purée coriander and roast gnocchi

    Serves 2
    2 Hare Loins Saved from the previous recipe
    10 thin slices of Pancetta
    3 carrots
    100g butter
    Coriander cress
    Dandelion leaf

    Remove the sinew from the hare loins. On a board place five slices of pancetta next to each other slightly overlapping them. Place the loin of hare on top of the pancetta and wrap the pancetta around the loin and repeat for the second loin. Peel and grate two of the carrots. In a small pan add a knob of butter and place on a low heat. When the butter is melted add the grated carrot and slowly cook the carrot until soft. Then blend the cooked carrot until smooth. Take the third carrot and peel it. Then finely slice the carrot into julienne (thin strips) and place in a little iced water.

    275g Baked potatoes
    65g 00 Pasta Flour
    10g egg yolk
    Salt and pepper

    Bake two large potatoes in an oven until soft in the middle. Pass through a drum sieve add the egg then the flour and seasoning. Mould into required shapes and place in boiling salted water until they begin to float. Then remove from the boiling water and place in iced water. Remove from the water when cold, this should take no longer than five mins. Add a little olive oil so they don’t stick together and place on a tray
    To finish take a non stick pan and colour the hare loins in a little butter on a medium heat they will only take 2-3 minutes then remove them from the heat. Separately colour the gnocchi until golden brown. Warm the carrot puree. Then finally slice the loins and arrange the dish on the plate with the gnocchi, carrot puree. Remove the julienne of carrot from the iced water and in a small bowl toss together the carrot, coriander and dandelion leaf in a little olive oil.

    Pappardelle of braised hare with winter truffles

    Serves 4
    200g of Jugged hare from the previous recipe
    20g Winter truffles
    50g Parmesan
    Olive Oil

    250g fine Semolina
    125g whole egg

    Mix the semolina and egg together and work into a smooth dough. Clingfilm and leave to rest in the fridge overnight. To make the pappardelle roll the pasta through the pasta machine until it is nice and thin. Then cut the pasta by hand into strips 4cm wide and 30cm long. Once all the pasta is cut put into boiling salted water with a little olive oil for 2 minutes. Remove from the boiling water and place into iced water until cool. Then drain and add a drop of olive oil to stop it sticking together. Refrigerate until needed (this can be done the day before you need it).

    Heat the jugged hare in a medium sauté pan. Separately boil a pan of water to re-heat the pasta. Plunge the pasta into the boiling water for 30 seconds and then drain off the water. Place the hot pasta into the hare mix and toss together adding the grated parmesan and a little olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and place into bowls. Finally finely but generously slice the winter truffles over the top of the pasta dish and serve.

    Restaurant Kent Bromley Roast Hare Loin Wrapped in Pancetta


    Farnborough Common
    Locksbottom, Orpington
    Kent BR6 8NF

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    12.00 - 2:30pm

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    6:30pm - 9:00pm

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    Chapter One Restaurant Locksbottom Orpington Kent, south London one of the best restaurants a perfect place to meet, to eat and to drink.